Here I am in front of the Greers Ferry Damn on the lake side. (Notice the size of my belly)
Here I am on the river side at the J.F.K memorial overlooking the damn.
Here's our favorite shot together. Scott has really perfected the shot with our new camera!!!
Hanging out with Scott's dad as the rain comes down from what was left of Ike.
Here we are at Blanchard Springs. (Unfortunately, the power was out all over Mt. View and we were unable to go on one of the cavern tours)
Although we have been experiencing a few stressful days, Scott and I were able to get away from it all and head to Heber Springs this past weekend. I am very proud of us because we could have spent the time worrying about the baby and what Monday's visit was going to hold but instead we enjoyed our weekend and made the best out of the situation. We were able to spend time with Scott's dad and just relax and unwind.
So far, Scott and I have been able to process the information and are doing much better. I truly appreciate all of the family and friends I have that are so supportive right now. I'm not sure what we would do without everyone. We still don't have any names yet....but I'm sure we'll start thinking of some soon.
Off to an evening with the in-laws, will post later this week!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's a.....?
So by now you all know the Corbitt household will be bringing home a little baby boy Jan/Feb 2009. Our doctor's appt on Friday went fairly well. The baby weighs around 12ounces and has a heart rate of 154. Our ultrasound tech noticed one small problem around the right kidney and decided to let Dr. Sanford look at the pictures. We were then referred to Memphis Maternal Fetal Medicine to see Dr. Bk (long last name). 1pm Scott, myself and baby Corbitt (mostly because he doesn't have a choice) walked in their office nervous and a little afraid of what was to come. We spent about 45minutes with their ultrasound tech checking every little inch of Baby Corbitt. I am happy to report that everything besides the right kidney looks wonderful. Unfortunately, Baby Corbitt has a condition known as Hydronephrosis: distention and dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces, usually caused by obstruction of the free flow of urine from the kidney, leading to progressive atrophy of the kidney. Dr. BK believes that eventually the right kidney will shut down. And for those of you who are wondering, the baby's right kidney is working properly. There is just some kind of obstruction that's not allowing the urine to pass through to the bladder and creating quite a bit of pressure on the right kidney. We're still in a little shock about the news and I feel as though I keep climbing the high risk pregnancy ladder more and more. We will continue to follow-up with Dr. Bk's office every four weeks until it gets closer to the due date. So....that's another doctor's appt for us to work into Scott's busy traveling schedule. Dr. Bk said there might be a chance of delivery a little earlier but we won't know anything until we get further along. make a long story short: Baby Corbitt is doing pretty well except the right kidney issue. It's not looking like Baby Corbitt will have any brothers/sisters anytime after this (We've had to handle quite a bit of stress over the last few months and Scott knows way to much about the whole pregnancy issues and complications.)
Scott has been doing research and it looks as though 1 in 800 children are born with one kidney and live productive lives. He's even been looking at athletic gear for Baby Corbitt to wear and protect the left kidney. Please keep us in your prayers. I'm sure we will work through this in a short period of time. It's just taking some getting use to.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
17weeks and 2days
Things are going really great. We had our doctor's appointment last friday and everything looks good. The baby's heartrate was 154. Unfortunately, we were unable to find out the sex of the baby. Which is probably a good thing because we have been tossing back the idea of letting it be a surprise and obviously the baby liked that idea. The baby spent most of the ultrasound time curled up in a ball. Thankfully everything looked great. Baby weighs right around 6oz and seems to be right on track. We go back on Sept. 12th for another round of tests and ultrasound. I told my nurse that I don't care how much blood they draw (and I'm not an easy stick) or how many tests they run as long as I get an ultrasound with my visit I will be a happy mom-to-be.
I promise to post the ultrasound pictures tomorrow evening. I left them in my planner at work and will need to scan them at home.
As far as cravings, I have been craving PBJ sandwiches with baked Cheetos. I could probably eat this for lunch and dinner if people let me I've also been craving the sweet cornbread. Poor Scott is not a big fan of the sweet cornbread but he is wonderful about letting me fix a few times during the week. I've also fallen in love with cranberry juice......I think it's the sour taste that I love so much. So...far that about it. I still cant touch chicken or cereal & milk. But I'm learning to work around those issues right now.
I promise to post the ultrasound pictures tomorrow evening. I left them in my planner at work and will need to scan them at home.
As far as cravings, I have been craving PBJ sandwiches with baked Cheetos. I could probably eat this for lunch and dinner if people let me I've also been craving the sweet cornbread. Poor Scott is not a big fan of the sweet cornbread but he is wonderful about letting me fix a few times during the week. I've also fallen in love with cranberry juice......I think it's the sour taste that I love so much. So...far that about it. I still cant touch chicken or cereal & milk. But I'm learning to work around those issues right now.
The Baby Bedding
Here's the baby bedding we have chosen for the nursery. I'm so excited and I can't wait to order and have the nursery set up. Of course we're not going to order everything in the picture but we are going to order the crib set, some of the artwork as well as the mobile and a few other pieces to complete the nursery. I'm crossing my fingers that the nursery will be set around the first of November. Hope everyone likes the bedding!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
12week ultrasound pictures
Here's Baby Corbitt just relaxing and having a great time!!
I'm sure you all ready tell that Baby Corbitt is going to have some attitude when he/she is coming into this world.
And a final profile shot of Baby Corbitt. I'm so excited about the next ultrasound pictures. I can't wait to see how much our baby has grown and what kind of attitude will be showing that day.
I'm sure you all ready tell that Baby Corbitt is going to have some attitude when he/she is coming into this world.
And a final profile shot of Baby Corbitt. I'm so excited about the next ultrasound pictures. I can't wait to see how much our baby has grown and what kind of attitude will be showing that day.
Monday, August 4, 2008
13weeks down....
Ok....As you can tell it's been awhile since I last posted. I think I'm beginning to hit the honeymoon stage of the pregnancy. I've regained quite a bit of my energy which is why there's a lack of posts. Scott and I have been trying to accomplish quite a bit during the weekends while he's home. I've also been pretty busy at work with the end of the month numbers. I'm only having a few days where I'm not feeling good but I think that mostly has to do with my sinus problems. I'm still not having any really strong cravings but I'm sure that time will come.
The doctor's apt on July 25th went very well. Our ultrasound tech is absolutely wonderful. I think she spent at least 15minutes with us watching the baby move and taking pictures. The baby's heart rate was 167 and leads many people to believe it's going to be a little girl. But I have a different feeling. I can't really explain it but I just do. Scott and I think our group is due for little boys. (Plus baby Simpson #2 is going to need a playmate since our group is surrounded by little girls.) But we'll have to wait and see. Scott and I still want to wait and not find out what the sex of the baby is until the due date. But I'm not really sure if we'll be able to hold up to the pressure. Our next doctor's appointment is going to be Aug. 22nd and we'll be 16weeks 6days along. I guess we'll make a true decision in the waiting room. We're trying to make gender neutral decisions for the nursery and the bedding which actually works pretty well with our style.
Once the problem with uploading pictures is corrected I will download the ultrasound pictures and the pictures of the bedding.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Who knew?
Who knew that your body can go through so many changes in such a short amount of time? During the past 11weeks I have learned what I can and can not eat (later being the most important). I can not eat chicken (grilled, baked- it doesn't matter) and I can not eat cereal & milk. Who knew that such a wonderful breakfast staples would be something this pregnant body can not handle. Oh- and it doesn't matter what cereal it is. I've tried Honey Nut Cheerios and Honey bunches of oats...Just thinking about it makes me a little green. But don't worry- I'm getting plenty of caluim with my supplements and other diary products.
Everything else is going well............I can't believe I scheduled our doctor's appt for 07/25/08. I really don't know what I was thinking. Two more weeks before we get another ultrasound. I'm crossing my fingers that the time will pass quickly.
I'm off to spend time with my hubby...He said he needs some love and attention.
Everything else is going well............I can't believe I scheduled our doctor's appt for 07/25/08. I really don't know what I was thinking. Two more weeks before we get another ultrasound. I'm crossing my fingers that the time will pass quickly.
I'm off to spend time with my hubby...He said he needs some love and attention.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Somewhere around 9weeks
Today Scott and I had our doctor's appt. Everything went really well (besides having to wait for an hour in the lobby). But that's kind of par for the course at my doctor's office. I absolutely love my OBGYN and would not go anywhere else. We had another ultrasound done and I must admit I am really getting spoiled by my visits. The ulrasound picture is not that great but you can see the head of the baby kinda in the middle of the picture. It was incredible to see the baby twitch and move a little. We got to see the little legs and a little bitty arm. Dr. Sanford said the baby's right on track.The next visit is not going to be for another 3weeks and I'm sure I can wait that long to see another picture of my baby. Dr. Sanford said that it looks like the due is not going to be Feb. 1 (which is Scott's birthday). It's gone from 02/05, 02/03, 02/04, and now to 02/01.
So...thank you again for all those out there praying us. I think I'm relaxing into this pregnancy and accepting that it's going to be a healthy pregnancy. I'm still little nervous and I know we still have a long way to go, but as each day goes by without any more spotting or other problems I'm slowly allowing myself to enjoy this time.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Quick Update
Well.....morning sickness has finally hit with a vengeance. That's why there hasn't been much of an update this past week. I guess it could be worse. Tuesday was really bad and the rest of the week has gotten a little easier. I must admit the worse part of getting sick is being at work. For those of you who know.....I'm kind of a private person and throwing up at work does not lend to much privacy. But my co-workers are absolutely wonderful. They do anything they can do to help me make it through the day. So without them I'm not sure I would have actually survived the week. Thank goodness tomorrow is FRIDAY!! This weekend I plan on sleeping as much as possible and trying to get some sun when I'm not sleeping. Scott and I have our next doctor's appt on Monday at 2:45pm. I'm hoping we get to have another ultrasound done. I'm excited about seeing how much Baby Corbitt has grown. Scott's excited about the amount of ultrasound pictures we are going to have because we can make a small flip book of the baby's development. I will try to update you all over the weekend and definitely monday evening when I get home from the doctor's appt.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
7week ultrasound and check-up doctor's appt went pretty well. We're at 7weeks 1day. The baby's heartbeat is 145 and very strong. I must admit I definitely breathe a sigh of relief when I saw the baby's heartbeat so fast. Unfortnately, Baby Corbitt was a little shy today and had a hard time getting a good picture. Dr. Sanford said everything looks good but I still need to take it easy and rest as much as I can. I go back in 2weeks and then another 2weeks for my 1st trisemester tests. I can't believe we've almost made it through the first 2months. Holy Cow!!!
Thank you to all of my friends who have been keeping us in your prayers and continuing to check on me. It means a lot to know that I have wonderful people to lean on.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Almost 7week update
Ok....So I'm not the best blogger in the world right now. I had a doctor's appt last wednesday because I was spotting a little. Everything seems to be okay. We had an ultrasound done and the baby's heartbeat was 120 and the baby looked good. Thankfully, Courtney (my sister) was able to take an extended lunch and meet me at the md's office because Scott was out of town. I definitely appreciated having her with me. It was great because Courtney got to see Baby Corbitt at 6weeks. I'm pretty anxious to go to my appt tomorrow. I think more than anything I want to make sure things are still on the right track.
As far as me....I seem to have my good moments and the not so great moments. I'm extremely tired and nauseous pretty much all of the time. Scott thought my bedtime was early before I got it's usually between 8-9pm. What can I say, I'm just a girl who likes my beauty sleep.
I'll try to post tomorrow and let everyone know how the appointment went. Thanks for all of those who already know and are checking on me and keeping us in your prayers. It feels wonderful to have so many family & friends to turn to. I know Scott worries about me when he's gone but he knows I'll be in good hands.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hello family and friends!!
I've never blogged before and I'm hoping everyone out will enjoy this wonderful journey with me. As you may have guessed, Scott and I are pregnant. But I want to catch everyone up to speed with what has been going on since the beginning of this year. Back in February, Scott and I decided we would start trying to conceive and have a baby. Who knew it would happened so quickly. For those of you who know April, she was correct. When we got together on Feb. 23rd to watch the Tigers vs. Vols game...I was a few days pregnant. I didn't even know but April knew right way. She was also right at Jenny's birthday dinner. It took everything I had not to tell everyone. We didn't tell for two reasons: 1) It was Jenny's birthday and I didn't want to ruin her special evening and 2) We hadn't been to doctor's office yet. I guess things happen for a reason because later that month I had a miscarriage. The doctors don't really know why but something wasn't right. The baby's heartbeat was only 80 (normal range should be around 120 I think). And so April 1st I had a D&C and were told we could start trying to conceive after my next cycle.
Surprisingly enough, here we are. Scott and I were able to conceive mid-May and are crossing our fingers that every thing is okay with this little one. I went to the md's office on Wednesday, May 28th and did all the blood work and had the exam. My doctor said everything seems to be lining up correctly for this pregnancy. I also talked to my nurse on Friday, June 6th and was told Congratulations!! We are very, very pregnant. I'm looking forward to going this upcoming Friday, June 13th to do more blood work and an ultrasound to see how far along we are and make sure everything okay. I'm definitely taking it one day at a time and trying to keep stress way down. But for those of you who know what my job is (Clinical Therapist) sometimes stress can run throughout the day...especially with 4 hours of crisis. I'm also trying to keep caffiene down to a minimum. Of course, there are days that I slip and have a sweet tea but those days are few and far between.
There are so many things going through my mind right now...I think the main thought is having a healthy baby. I know there was a reason for the miscarriage. I am so thankful to have wonderful a sister and friends to help me through this rough little spot.
I'm looking forward to sharing this wonderful experience with everyone and would love your advice on the upcoming months.
I've never blogged before and I'm hoping everyone out will enjoy this wonderful journey with me. As you may have guessed, Scott and I are pregnant. But I want to catch everyone up to speed with what has been going on since the beginning of this year. Back in February, Scott and I decided we would start trying to conceive and have a baby. Who knew it would happened so quickly. For those of you who know April, she was correct. When we got together on Feb. 23rd to watch the Tigers vs. Vols game...I was a few days pregnant. I didn't even know but April knew right way. She was also right at Jenny's birthday dinner. It took everything I had not to tell everyone. We didn't tell for two reasons: 1) It was Jenny's birthday and I didn't want to ruin her special evening and 2) We hadn't been to doctor's office yet. I guess things happen for a reason because later that month I had a miscarriage. The doctors don't really know why but something wasn't right. The baby's heartbeat was only 80 (normal range should be around 120 I think). And so April 1st I had a D&C and were told we could start trying to conceive after my next cycle.
Surprisingly enough, here we are. Scott and I were able to conceive mid-May and are crossing our fingers that every thing is okay with this little one. I went to the md's office on Wednesday, May 28th and did all the blood work and had the exam. My doctor said everything seems to be lining up correctly for this pregnancy. I also talked to my nurse on Friday, June 6th and was told Congratulations!! We are very, very pregnant. I'm looking forward to going this upcoming Friday, June 13th to do more blood work and an ultrasound to see how far along we are and make sure everything okay. I'm definitely taking it one day at a time and trying to keep stress way down. But for those of you who know what my job is (Clinical Therapist) sometimes stress can run throughout the day...especially with 4 hours of crisis. I'm also trying to keep caffiene down to a minimum. Of course, there are days that I slip and have a sweet tea but those days are few and far between.
There are so many things going through my mind right now...I think the main thought is having a healthy baby. I know there was a reason for the miscarriage. I am so thankful to have wonderful a sister and friends to help me through this rough little spot.
I'm looking forward to sharing this wonderful experience with everyone and would love your advice on the upcoming months.
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