Today Scott and I had our doctor's appt. Everything went really well (besides having to wait for an hour in the lobby). But that's kind of par for the course at my doctor's office. I absolutely love my OBGYN and would not go anywhere else. We had another ultrasound done and I must admit I am really getting spoiled by my visits. The ulrasound picture is not that great but you can see the head of the baby kinda in the middle of the picture. It was incredible to see the baby twitch and move a little. We got to see the little legs and a little bitty arm. Dr. Sanford said the baby's right on track.The next visit is not going to be for another 3weeks and I'm sure I can wait that long to see another picture of my baby. Dr. Sanford said that it looks like the due is not going to be Feb. 1 (which is Scott's birthday). It's gone from 02/05, 02/03, 02/04, and now to 02/01.
So...thank you again for all those out there praying us. I think I'm relaxing into this pregnancy and accepting that it's going to be a healthy pregnancy. I'm still little nervous and I know we still have a long way to go, but as each day goes by without any more spotting or other problems I'm slowly allowing myself to enjoy this time.
I am so glad to hear it is all going well! I am jealous of all of your ultrasounds! Your dr. sure is spoiling you for sure! We ALWAYS wait forever in my dr's office too, so I learned quickly last time I was preggers with Tatum to get the FIRST appt of the day or the first one right after lunch. That way, the dr. isn't behind schedule(hopefully). You are still in my prayers, but I am sure glad to hear you are feeling more relaxed about everything!
That's fantastic news! Hope to see you guys soon.
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